Good Neighbors in the Village

By Margo Bader, chairperson

(740) 503-5746 | goodneighborsinthevillage@gmail

The Good Neighbors in the Village are proud to partner with the Baltimore Area churches.  They are a 501©3 organization sponsoring outreach to the citizens of Baltimore/Thurston and surrounding areas. They are funded by donations from area churches and individuals.


GNIV has completed 12 ramps this past year.  Since the group was formed, they’ve built 71 ramps.   They have also reclaimed a ramp that is no longer needed.  We thank our volunteer builders for their time and strength.   Volunteer builders are always welcome.  If you know of a person in need of a ramp, please contact us.  These ramps can be temporary or long term.  Once they are no longer needed, the team will remove the ramp for future use.


The After School Program serves approximately 27 elementary students.  They meet after school at Faith Lutheran conveniently located next to the school parking lot.  Volunteers are always welcome on a daily, occasional, or specific day each week.  Kay Williamson runs the after-school program and welcomes new volunteers.


All Seniors are invited to attend a free lunch every Wednesday at Christ United Methodist Church, 700 S. Main Street.  Those wishing to participate or watch, chair volleyball is at 10 AM, lunch at 11 AM. Over 35 seniors are served each week with additional  meals for carry-out.   Partner churches have been donating dessert for the Senior Lunch.  Thank you to Trinity United Church of Christ, Faith Lutheran, New Zion Methodist, and First United Methodist for all their delicious desserts.  If you know of a senior that would enjoy a day out, please invite them to the Wednesday luncheon.


If you would like to be a GNIV volunteer in one of the areas listed above, we would love to have you join us.  We invite a representative from each church to attend the quarterly meetings. Please contact us:


  • Margo Bader 740-503-5746

We will direct your contact information to the person in charge of the project.


May 6, 6:30 PM @ Christ UMC, 700 S. Main Street, Baltimore

Karen Horn